Wednesday 8 June 2016

Latest 50++ Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

According to Doctor Love Coach, Janice D. Bennett, Ph. D, asking your partner questions is critical to creating a lasting relationship. Sometimes, it’s difficult to come up with new Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend other. It’s not that you don’t want to know everything about him, it’s that you can’t think of anything you don’t know. Find out some home truths about your partner-and about yourself-with our handy list of personal Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend. It’s interesting if nothing else to find out when your partner first said those three magic words, and who it was he said them to. You might find yourself surprised. Whether your relationship is brand new, or you have been together for a while, asking questions - both serious and fun - is a great way to get to know your partner and spark meaningful conversation. One advice is if the guy does not seem to be comfortable in answering some of your Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend, then the answer may jeopardize your relationship. Be prepared for the worse, if you are going to press for answers, or resign to accept him for what he has told you he is. Relationship is one of the vital part of your good life and this s why we need to take care of our relationship very carefully. Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Relationship between boy friend and girlfriend is something like what cant explained in a word.

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

1. If you could spend the day with someone famous, alive or dead, who would it be?

2. What is your favorite board game?

3. Describe yourself in a single word.

4. Describe me in a single word.

5. Would you go dress shopping or shoe shopping with me?

6. Another girl hits on you in front of me. How would you handle it? What about if I wasn't there?

7. What is your favorite body part?

8. What song reminds you of me?

9. Do you think we've met before in a previous life?

10. Who is your celebrity crush?

11. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

12. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten-and liked?

13. Can you tell me about your most embarrassing moment?

14. What is your favorite item of clothing?

15. Are you superstitious?

16. If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you choose?

17. What do you think of public displays of affection?

18. Describe your dream house.

19. What's your dream job?

20. If you're having a bad day, how can I cheer you up?

21. When you're sick, do you like to have someone taking care of you, or do you prefer to be left alone until you're better?

22. What's your favorite sport?

23. What sport would you never want to watch?

24. If you're lost, do you ask for directions?

25. Describe the ideal vacation.

26. Describe an ideal weekend.

27. What's your favorite dessert?

28. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

29. What would you do if I were suddenly unable to speak your language?

30. How organized are you?

31. What's one household chore that you don't know how to do?

32. What's one type of household chore that you're unwilling, or at least very resistant to do?

33. If we were in a group at a party, and I told a horrible joke that no one else laughed at, what would you do?

34. Who's your hero?

35. What's your favorite book?

36. What's your favorite magazine?

37. How much time do you spend on social networking in a week?

38. Will you tell me if I have lipstick on my teeth or if my hair is standing straight up?

39. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

40. How did your last relationship end?

41. Are you and your ex still friends?

42. How many sexual partners have you had?

43. Have you put yourself at risk for an STD by skipping protection?

44. Have you been tested for STDs/HIV?

45. Would you be willing to go in for testing again before we get more involved?

46. How would you handle it if you thought another guy was hitting on me?

47. How do you cope with stress?

48. Do you have any bad habits I should know about?

49. What's the worst thing you've ever done?

50. Have you ever broken the law?

As you can see, most of the Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend that you are dieing to ask him are of intimate nature. Some relate to his past, while others relate to your relationship or his personal tastes and character. If you assure him that you are simply trying to get to know him better and in no way would you judge him from the answers, he may feel more comfortable to share his innermost secretes with you.